Latin and Anatomical Terminology 2020 (1st term)

Unit 2 Nouns

Topic 3 "Nouns I declension"

Topic 3 "Nouns of the First Declension (Plural Number)" 

To make the nouns of the I-st declension plural, study the example given below.

Nominativus Singularis - arteria transversa

Nominativus Pluralis - arteriae transversae

Genetivus Singularis - arteriae transversae

Genetivus Pluralis - arteriarum transversarum

Remember these anatomical terms.


  1. ala, ae f  - wing
  2. aorta, ae f - main artery of body
  3. apertūra, ae f - aperture, opening
  4. arterĭa, ae f - artery
  5. auricula, ae f - auricle
  6. bucca, ae f - cheek
  7. capsŭla, ae f - capsule, membrane or saclike structure
  8. chorda, ae f - cord
  9. cochlěa, ae f - cochlea
  10. columna, ae f - column
  11. concha, ae f - concha
  12. costa, ae f  - rib
  13. crista, ae f  - crest
  14. fascĭa, ae f - fascia
  15. fibŭla, ae f  - fibula, splint-bone
  16. fossa, ae f - shallow depression or cavity
  17. fověa, ae f - small pit or depression
  18. glandŭla, ae f  - gland
  19. incisūra, ae f - notch
  20. lamĭna, ae f  - plate
  21. liněa, ae f - line
  22. lingua, ae f  - tongue, language
  23. mandibŭla, ae f -  lower jaw
  24. maxilla, ae f - upper jaw
  25. medulla, ae f - medulla
  26. membrana, ae f - membrane
  27. nucha, ae f - nape of neck
  28. orbĭta, ae f - eyesocket
  29. porta, ae f -  entry
  30. scapŭla, ae f - shoulder blade
  31. sella, ae f - saddle
  32. spina, ae f - spine
  33. squama, ae f - squama
  34. substantia, ae f - substance
  35. sutūra, ae f - suture; line of junction
  36. tela, ae f - tissue
  37. tibĭa, ae f - shinebone, larger of two bones of leg
  38. tunica, ae f - tunic
  39. vagīna, ae f - sheath
  40. valvŭla, ae f - small valva; valve
  41. vena, ae f  - vein
  42. vertěbra, ae f - vertebra
  43. vesica, ae f - bladder

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